Friday, August 16, 2024

You know the hearts of all.

And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen…”
Acts 1:24

You do indeed know the hearts of all people, everywhere, for all of history. You are so aware of all that happens, even within our hearts, places we aren’t even quite sure we understand. You break through all our confusion, all our rebellion, all our ignorance, and all our motives to truly know us. And with that kind of knowledge it is amazing that the Creator of all hearts Who knows all hearts also loves them.

You know my heart. You know where I fail and when I falter. You know when faith is eclipsed by my heart’s wants.You know my struggles, my selfish leanings, my lusts and longings. You know my ambitions, my hopes, my desires, my dreams, my wants, and my needs. And in the regeneration of my broken heart through Christ’s saving work, through Your Word’s instruction, through Your Holy Spirit’s renewal, I can find that You are pleased with what is in my new heart.

Today I pray, O Searcher of my heart, that You will show me how to be holy as You are holy. I pray You will lead this heart to love deeply, to live passionately for Your Kingdom’s glory, to embrace and declare the gospel boldly, and to reflect You to my world from my heart.

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