Thursday, August 15, 2024

Rejoicing / Praising

O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices,
and in your salvation how greatly he exults!
Psalm 21:1

Ready to see Your hand, I waited.
Enduring through the unknown, Your power I anticipated.
Jesus came to me.
Other hope I could not see.
I trusted my God’s strength and power.
Content to see You in Your hour.
I saw salvation with my own eyes.
Now receiving so much more than I realize.
God receives all my praise!

Power and strength belong to Jesus.
Rejoice in Him whose mercy saves us!
Anticipating my heavenly abode
I walk upon life’s narrow road.
Saved by strength that is not my own
I look to my future heavenly home.
Never a worry will pull me away.
God will keep me until that day!

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