Monday, August 19, 2024

first steps to something new

And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
Exodus 14:22

Stepping into this dry land as the sea became a wall on the left and the right must have been the most awestruck moment of the Exodus experience. God had already visited supernatural plagues upon Egypt, culminating in mass casualties during the Passover. The Egyptians sent Israel packing, begging them to go and showering them with riches as they left, only to regret it and send the world’s most powerful army of the day to apprehend them. God kept that army at bay, split the Red Sea and now told His people to step onto dry land.

These were the first steps Israel began to a new life geographically beyond Egypt, headed to a new place, to a new relationship with God as their Deliverer. God’s grace poured out on them. His trust would be known to them. His provision would lead them through wilderness. His discipline would correct their faithlessness. His covenant would bind them close to Him.

God will always be with us to help us to obey Him. He will provide the direction for this new life that He gives to His people. Jesus makes this abundantly clear in the gospel. He has prepared the place we are going. We need only set foot upon the way that He prepares for us in faith.

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