Monday, August 5, 2024

I know God knows.

And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.
Exodus 2:24-25

Sometimes I wonder if God really does take notice of what is happening in my world. I mean, there are billions of people on the planet, many in much more dire situations than I face. It would seem that one old guy in Kansas running the last segment of the race in the middle of the pack would hardly merit His attention. But then holy scripture gives me an encouragement like this one that turns my head to heaven and makes me realize how much God really does see and care not just for the “biggies” like war or disaster, but for my life and its challenges and joys. He sees what is going on in all the world. He does not look away from His people. He is never distant.

God hears. He hears my prayers. He hears my groaning and there has been a lot of it the last couple of years. Sometimes my prayers come out with groans. Maybe what are just groans to me are prayers to Him. Either way, I am assured God hears. And His answers have been so powerful!

God remembers. Just as He was faithful to His covenant with Abraham and his descendants, so God is faithful in remembering the New Covenant written in the blood of His Son for me. God keeps His promises and remembers. I know He remembers me in my distress and He has shown Himself to bless beyond my expectations!

God sees. Nothing hides from His eyes. He sees when I am suffering. God sees my trouble and my heartache and those things affect Him. God sees it all. And He provides visible new answers I never saw coming.

God knows. He not only knows facts, but motives, needs, and the solutions to the situations that make me groan. His knowledge is not just encyclopedic and factual, but redemption and actual. God’s knowledge leads Him to help bring renewal and change. God knows and HE DOES what is best! This is forever proven in the gospel by which my life is saved, redeemed, and continually being blessed until I am with Jesus forever.

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