Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Jesus speaks peace.

As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!”
Luke 24:36

In a secluded hiding place the disciples of Jesus huddled after His crucifixion, and struggling with reports of His resurrection, they tried to believe the impossible. His tomb was indeed empty. There were eyewitnesses to that fact. And a couple of followers of Jesus encountered their risen Master on the Emmaus road. They excitedly burst into the hidden place to share their astonishing walk with Jesus.

As the disciples were trying to make sense of their story, Jesus simply stood among them. It appears He did not enter through the door. He just suddenly was there and was recognized by all in the room.With fresh wonder they were troubled. Jesus said three words of comfort that echoed in their unsettled souls: “Peace to you!”

Bringer of my peace, calm my soul now, weighed down as I am with the burden of living in a broken world complicated by my own sin and confusion.

Jesus, Who is my peace,
Restore my soul as I rest in You whose death and resurrection brighten my future, forgive my past, and direct my present steps as You stand with me.

Prince of Peace,
I receive, as best I can, Your comforting peace. Help me to settle my soul in the peace of Christ!

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