Thursday, August 8, 2024

Creator in control

Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?”
Exodus 4:11

I see my problems
— my unique challenges
and inabilities —
— where I stutter
— feet that stagger
— mind that wanders —
and I doubt 
You will use me.

I make excuses
and miss opportunities.
I dwell on mistakes
and distrust success.
I object to being as I am
and worry about what I am not.
I waste potential
with introspection.

God, Who made me both gifted
and limping, both strong and weak,
how can I focus beyond
my weakness and find faith?
Lord of my broken life
Who showers blessing on me,
in this broken jar of clay
make Your power known!

I will trust that my shortcomings
are the place Your power enables me.
I will lean into Your guidance
as my feet stagger toward Your grace.
I will look less at me —
— more at You, Creator in control!
It is You, O Lord, Who made
me weak to trust in You.

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