Wednesday, August 28, 2024

fools in control

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds;
there is none who does good.
Psalm 14:1

I do not expect to find a warm reception in a culture that is going the way of the fool as described here. The Christian may find himself the only sane passenger on a ship of fools. As I have seen secular and selfish thought prevail in the world in my lifetime, I know this ship gets increasingly more erratic as more God-denying fools man the helm. And at times their foolishness can cause even the sanest saint to question spiritual reality. The pressure to be a fool is high and even former Christian leaders have joined the fool’s crew.

But as I look at what secularism, scientism, and atheism have produced, I will gladly hold to faith. The whole world is truly corrupt. I can’t name many leaders that I truly respect. Both liberal and conservative politics employ corrupt tactics by corrupt people to perpetuate sin and oppression and further corrupt society. Every institution, sadly including the church, is tainted by the foolish choices of people who either deny God, or refuse to yield to Him.

And foolish secularism, scientism, and atheism have also done AWFUL things to people. Eugenics, genocide, abortion on demand, euthanasia, war, and hate-filled prejudice have consumed more than a century of so-called “human progress”. The answer is NOT to launch the ship of fools into space and colonize and destroy yet another planet. The solution is to change… to repent of sinful hatred of God and to bow to the Creator of the universe. Yet human abominations of increasing sinful magnitude will continue as long as fools sail this ship. I expect it to get worse… I really do.

Scripture is clear that human beings are incapable of doing good. No one can. I certainly cannot do good on my own steam. I am so unbelievably broken that even sub-consciously I seriously hurt the people I love most in life. I hate that! But you know what, nobody aboard the ship of fools is going to change that in me. I need more. I need God.

And so, like foolish, doubting Thomas, I come to believe my resurrected Jesus and cry out… “My Lord and my God.” That firm knowledge is my hope. His righteousness is my only good. I say in my heart, “There IS a God.”

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