Friday, August 9, 2024

captured by blasphemers

And they said many other things against him, blaspheming him.
Luke 22:65

Humanity has always mocked, ridiculed, and blasphemed Jesus. After His arrest in the garden He was dragged away, questioned, beaten, stripped, ridiculed, mocked for claiming to be a king, and even denied by His closest followers. That’s how people respond to Jesus. It is what wicked sinners do. It is how evil responds to holiness. And they don’t realize what they are doing.

If this is the way the perfect Son of God was received by His own generation, should we be shocked that Jesus and His people are so rejected by our own sinful culture? Blasphemy and persecution hurt. They are appalling. But Jesus not only endured such things… He stood silent AND confident as they happened to Him. And He died for the very rejection He received. He prayed a final prayer of forgiveness for His mocking executioners (Luke 23:34) begging His Father to forgive them for they did not realize what they were doing.

I think a Christlike response to a mocking culture should look at least something like this: 1) Expect it. The power of the gospel lies not in “winning or losing” the perceived battle. No… the gospel itself IS the power of God for salvation. It is a visibly superior message. It advances with every new convert who turns from rejection to reception. Fighting back as vigilante judges is NEVER the commission Christ gave His disciples. Preaching the good news of salvation by grace through faith despite rejection IS our call. 2) Endure it. Our culture still has Christ on trial. It still mocks. And we are up there beside Him now, taking up His sufferings. This is our privilege so don’t fight it. We are promised a crown of life as the outcome of faithful endurance in this relationship with our world (James 1:12). Stand with Jesus as He is mocked knowing You will live with Him under His reign. Let the world rage on. They do not know what they are doing.

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