Thursday, August 1, 2024

universal majesty

O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
Psalm 8:1

Truly God’s majesty is always on display. Each new sunrise puts on a show of His blazing purpose… a new day ordained by the Creator of the universe to put His glory on show for the world to know. He brings the storm to water the earth and leads us to ponder His power in the mighty winds, lightning, and pouring rain.

God raised up mountains to cause us to aspire to His higher glory, knowing His majesty rises even higher than we can climb, stands stronger, and compels our awe more than any icy Everest. God commands the seasons so our lives find the rhythm of His care all through each year. And then as year after year leads to decades of life… we have a lifetime of His faithful provision in which to see His majesty. And this increases by the billions as each human gets a sense of this kind of wonder. God is indeed majestic in all the earth.

As the natural world, even the very fabric of the universe, worships Your majesty, so will I! And Your greatest display of Your glory is known in the love of Jesus Christ Who left majesty’s throne to die for our wayward race on that rugged cross sinners built and nailed Him upon. May the earth hear the roar of Your gracious majesty in the gospel and know the majestic Jesus, Lord of all, as Your people worship You!

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