Friday, August 23, 2024

Lying liars lie.

Everyone utters lies to his neighbor;
with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.
Psalm 12:2

The adage is so true: The truth is hard to come by these days. Everything is twisted some direction or another. Advertising is a kind of lie or flattery. Politics is practically all lies and it doesn’t matter the party affiliation. There are liberal lies. There are conservative lies. And even in organized Christian organizations with human leadership there are too many lies. What are we do do about all these lies if they are all around us? Is there hope?

Psalm 12 offers perspective and great hope beyond all the human manipulation and lying. Here are some solid truths to hold off the onslaught of a pack of vicious lies…

1) Cry out to the God Who saves from godless lies (Psalm 12:1-2). He will hear our laments about lying.
2) Trust God to judge lies and liars (Psalm 12:2-5). God promises He will do it.
3) Center your hope on the perfect truth: the pure Word of God (Psalm 12:6). This is the bullseye of the Psalm, the central way we handle lies.
4) God will keep and guard His people by His power in His truth (Psalm 12:7).

God’s power and truth far exceed the worst lies! This is real hope.

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