Monday, July 15, 2024

the magnitude of this message

The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
Luke 11:32

There is a principle here that Jesus alone is qualified to teach us. It seems that the greater the light of revelation that God gives, the greater the responsibility for those to whom He gives it. This implies a much sterner judgment for those who reject the greater light. Jesus is confident that the Ninevites who repented at the lackluster preaching of Jonah would condemn those who rejected God Himself in Jesus. Those who rejected the very words of Jesus were liable for a greater light and a greater judgment.

And so it is when we carry the gospel to our world. Do we realize that those who reject a clear teaching of the gospel will bear much stricter judgment? Do we treat the gospel with the respect that such a message is due? Do we accept that by believing the gospel ourselves we are saved from such a severe judgment? The gospel is a message with high impact and a depth of magnitude we miss if we aren’t careful.

We are a generation entrusted with the only way to salvation. We preach a gospel that holds us all accountable with THE TRUTH that holds heaven and hell in the balance as the outcome of proclaiming it. This is no light responsibility. We have something greater than anything else the world says. We have something greater than any other message the world needs to hear right now. It is greater than a political process, a cultural conflict, or an environmental edict! Jesus compels us to seriously accept the magnitude of this message.

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