Friday, July 12, 2024

Let them fall.

Make them bear their guilt, O God;
let them fall by their own counsels;
because of the abundance of their transgressions cast them out,
for they have rebelled against you.
Psalm 5:10

There is no need for me to get so worked up about this wicked world around me as if it were up to me to punish evil. That is God’s job and He does it perfectly. I love how David prays in this psalm. He simply believes God will handle the wicked. God is the judge. God is in control. Evil people will answer to Him. It is an awful outcome to consider, but their guilt will fall upon their own hands in the presence of a holy God.

And their own counsel… their own plans… there own sinful choices of disobedience, unbelief, and selfish shame will be their undoing. We need not try to point out what God will indeed punish. God often chooses to let their choices and actions run full course so that the wicked fall by their own counsels. They are undone by their own rebellion and moral stupidity. They fall in their own orchestrated downward slide. They will answer to the King of Kings for their own rebellion. Jesus offers full pardon and new life. When that is rejected, there is no where else to go. They will fall. They choose it in their rejection. Let them fall.

So when I see a lot of things wrong in my world I will do this: I will cling to the gospel personally and trust God will handle rebellion in this world completely. I will let God let things go as He wills so that He can be both merciful deliverer for those who trust Him, and avenging Judge for those who oppose Him. Let them fall. God is still very much in control.

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