Monday, July 22, 2024


My shield is with God,
who saves the upright in heart.
Psalm 7:10

God is my shield from the worst dangers of my life. He protects my life and like a shielded warrior I will stand as God fights off the attacks against me and absorbs the blows of this world. God is my…

S - Salvation. Because Jesus has saved me, nothing can destroy my soul! My faith in the gospel is my eternal protection and always my shield.

H- Hope. I am shielded from sin’s judgment with a firm future forgiven in Christ. I am protected in my life right now, sealed by His Holy Spirit moving forward, and bound for an eternity with Jesus who will rule a new heavens and new earth.

I - Inheritance. I know the riches of Christ’s glorious inheritance of the saints. This secures me in the wealth of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:18).

E - Eternity. My vision has expanded to glimpse eternity. My life is forever with Jesus and His people! Nothing will take that away.

L - Love. I am held in the love of my Lord. I love others with that same love that loves me. This protects my heart from loneliness and my life from uselessness.

D - Deliverance. Death cannot stop my hope or my protection. I am delivered from sin, from judgment, and from the worst that death could bring. It is now just a doorway to a brighter future. It is just a valley to pass through to a higher mountain. Forever protected and secured, my shield is indeed with God.

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