Thursday, July 25, 2024

morning prayer

O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice;
in the morning I direct my prayer to you and watch.
Psalm 5:3

My Father,
I come to You as morning light streams in my window and birdsong outside gives glory to the Creator. I have opened Your Word. I have heard Your voice. You have called me now to pray to You.

And now, my God, hear my words. Consider my heartfelt adoration, receive my needed confession, in thankfulness for all that You do in saving and keeping me I leave my requests with You. I know You will pay attention to the sound of my voice as I pour out my heart.

My King, rule in this heart of mine. Keep Your kingdom’s agenda directing me this day. May others know me both as the King’s child and Your ambassador! You have the power to work in me, to use me to expand Your rule, and to show the world Your great reign.

I confess this morning that I must lay my own anxious agenda down and repent of wanting my world my way. You are doing Your work in me in Your way, with Your timing, for Your glory and my good. This is Your world, not mine. This morning You hear my voice! My prayer is to You alone. I will wait, serve, and watch because Jesus keeps my heart and rules beyond it all! 

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