Wednesday, July 10, 2024

He is grace and healing.

Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing;
heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled.
Psalm 6:2

David wrote this psalm, this prayer for healing and plea for grace, as he lived in a situation of spiritual, emotional, and physical sorrow and pain. There was a spiritual need as David asked God to withhold His rebuke and anger (Psalm 6:1). There was a deeply emotional component as David’s condition was “languishing”, a word that describes a feeling of weakness, even powerlessness. And physically, David described his troubles as extending to his very bones.

In this kind of extensive suffering, David cried out to his only hope. He knew he could only find relief by the healing work of God. And so he begs for God’s grace and requests God’s healing touch. And in that simple yet deeply personal prayer, we find a reminder in how to handle life’s roughest moments today. We too need a God of grace Who heals us daily. And that is exactly what we have every day in Jesus! And so we can confidently come to Him.

O Lord Jesus!
You are grace to me when I am weak and powerless. And many times under my own delusion I refuse to see how weak and hurting I truly am. Forgive me and heal me! You are mercy and You are forgiveness when my sins deserve rebuke and discipline. You are healing for my deepest sickness when I am troubled to my very bones. Thank You for being all that I need in answer to my cries of distress.

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