Friday, July 19, 2024

humility and greatness

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 14:11

This world has its own plan for success that looks nothing like what Jesus advocates. It is on full display right now in America as political parties hold their conventions and nominate their candidates. The world prides itself on self-promotion. Those who want to lead us and gain mass approval via election must brag on perceived successes in order to get elected. Each candidate in a political party will taunt the failures of opponents and speak exaltedly about themselves. It grossly disobeys what Jesus taught and did. The world however buys it… laps it up… cheers it on. Christians should see it for the evil that it is and look to Jesus instead. According to Jesus, humility is the path to true greatness.

And so we should pause and listen well now to Jesus. Take in the political speeches. Study the issues. But listen to Jesus! We do not want to disobey Him or ignore the truth that self-exaltation is self-defeating. Only One must be pre-eminent: Jesus the King! One must be exalted: The worthy Jesus… Our Lord! One deserves to be praised: Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We humbly bow before Him and lift our eyes to Him. He humbled Himself, took the form of a servant, and gave His life for us. Now exalted as Lord over the universe, we worship Him.

Humility remains in very short supply. It is often eclipsed in my own heart by my own selfish desire for recognition. How this truth from Jesus needs to rule His people! Let us humble ourselves. Let us lift up Jesus to a confused and proud world. May our humble servant Savior be exalted as we humble ourselves before Him!

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