Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I am the lost one.

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?
Luke 15:4

I am the lost one.
I wander far away.
I have a tendency to stray.
With my Shepherd I don’t stay.
I will get lost any given day.

I am the lost one.
Jesus has to look for me.
He leaves ninety-nine to seek me.
He doesn’t stop until He finds me.
He grabs ahold to secure me.

I am the lost one.
Grace centers on my condition.
Healing pours on my affliction.
Never alone in my situation,
mercy finds me for salvation.

I am the lost one.
I have strayed places dire.
I am rescued from the mire.
Valued, cleansed, returned from far.
Healed of my wound and scar.

I am the lost one.
Jesus sought me, brought me home.
He would not let me continue to roam.
Gathered safely in my Savior’s fold.
My future now the Shepherd will hold.

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