Wednesday, July 24, 2024

convincing truth

He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’
Luke 16:31

The last statement of the story of Lazarus and the rich man brings the issue of believing the truth of scripture sharply into focus. In the story the rich man, tormented after death in hell-flame, begs for Lazarus to be raised from the dead to warn his surviving family of this real eternal peril. But the answer that comes in return is quite firm: the witness of the Word of God is more than sufficient to persuade sinners to repent. Those who mock it or dismiss it do so at the loss of their eternal souls.

There is no more fervent believer in the reality of God’s judgment upon sin than a soul in hell. But by then it is too late to make a difference. And if that sounds harsh, remember that it was the gracious and loving Jesus Who taught the most about the dangers and the reality of hell as a place of eternal, conscious punishment for those who reject the truth of God’s salvation. Who was the audience that Jesus warned were in danger of hell?… the highest religious leaders of His day who thought they had everything all together spiritually. But instead, they were in religion for the money and prestige, (Luke 16:14) lovers of money who were represented by the rich man in the story.

Lord Jesus, I am convinced by Your Word and by Your resurrection. I am firmly convinced that eternity awaits my soul. I have witnessed Your saints leave this world for the reward of entering Your rest. I am convinced that heaven and hell are real and that You save and reward those who are convinced by the gospel to turn in faith to You.

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