Monday, July 29, 2024

impossible grace

Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” But he said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
Luke 18:26-27

A wealthy, influential leader came to Jesus and asked the most important of all of life’s questions: “What can I do to live forever?” (Luke 18:18-30) The answer Jesus gave him was masterful and came in a two part dialogue. “First: Only God is good, so keep His good commands.” The wealthy man replies like a good Jew of his culture that he has been diligent at God’s Law from his youth. Then Jesus gets to his heart: “The only thing you lack: sell off your wealth, give it away to the poor and needy, live with a new heavenly perspective, and follow me.” Jesus is legitimately asking him to do what all his other disciples did: leave home, family, and livelihood and follow Him. This is a real call to discipleship. Jesus was clearly letting this man know that only Jesus is the way to eternal life.

The rich man walked away from the invitation because he would not leave his wealth. This revealed how little he really valued God’s Law and the desire for eternal life that Jesus offered. The crowd marveled at the difficulty of what Jesus asked. Jesus remarked at how hard it is for a wealthy person to enter into God’s kingdom. Competing kingdoms in conflict will keep us from the eternal kingdom.

This encounter actually reveals that it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY person, rich or poor, to enter into the kingdom of God without Jesus. It is impossible without God’s grace providing both the means and the method of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Eternal life is only possible in Jesus Christ. Salvation is solely the work of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus and the regenerating work of God’s Holy Spirit in those who believe. Jesus has done what is impossible for us to do! 

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