Thursday, July 18, 2024

narrow door and future feast

Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
Luke 13:24

Jesus did not speculate when asked how many would eventually be saved in His kingdom. Instead, He made it clear the focus was on knowing Him, on being His follower, on trusting and believing Him not just with a popular attraction, but in true relationship. There would be many attracted to Jesus. But it would take much more than “wanting” Him or mere crowd appeal to save souls. His own generation ate and drank and walked Judean roads with Him (Luke 13:26) and yet they did not all turn from sin to trust Jesus (Luke 13:27).

Yet, Jesus spoke of a future kingdom feast. And on that day people would come from all corners of the globe to recline at table with Jesus (Luke 13:29). Jesus’ own generation and His own people would eventually reject Him. But a bigger response than anyone could have ever anticipated would ripple around the world, across multiple generations and thousands of years, and even now is the only hope to last into eternity!

Jesus, it is clear in how You present Yourself that You are Savior and Judge. Not all who are interested in You will truly believe You. And there are those who follow You that this world absolutely despises. May the narrow door stay open as Your people proclaim Your gospel. May that future feast be filled with faithful followers, friends You know, lives You have saved, hearts You have made new! Amen

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