Friday, July 26, 2024

losing my life

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.
Luke 17:33

What does Jesus mean by this compelling statement? It was spoken in the context of Him coming again to judge the world. It is about the essential part of us, our very earthly existence, that each of us values and protects. We are people who live and our lives are where we find purpose, meaning, fulfillment, and satisfaction in their best moments. Our lives are also where we struggle with sin, pain, disillusionment, and sorrow. But even then our instinct is to survive, to go on living even when it is hard.

Jesus reminds us though that a self-centered focus in this present existence will eventually end in death. And without faith in God, trust in the gospel, and salvation through Jesus all that life will just be lost. Forever. It’s gone and lost for eternity. Preserving life by the world’s means is really losing life.

However, those who give up “this” life, who repent of self-centered rebellion and turn from sin to give their lives to the Savior will “save” their lives. They will find life in Jesus. Forever. They will enjoy abundant life, despite the struggles, here and now.Thus, to lose life is to save it… in eternity… forever… with Jesus! Thank God, He has provided life in Christ! I will gladly lose a “lost life” to gain eternal life and truly live!

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