Friday, May 12, 2023

Blessed is the God Who hears!

Blessed be the LORD!
For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy.
Psalm 28:6

My soul will also bless the Lord. He always hears me. I may cry out to Him boldly for I know He hears me. None of us is ever alone. God always hears. He always knows. And Jesus is our promise: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). This is the great, constant blessing of those beloved by God in Christ. And I in turn will bless the God Whose presence is always there. Blessed by the LORD!

Yes, He always hears me. He hears me in my most difficult moments. He hears me in my delight, when I often foolishly ignore His gifts and fail to see His mercies. He hears my complaints. He hears my joys. He hears my sorrows and sighs. He hears my joy and laughter. He hears them all… He knows them all… He shares in them all… He loves me through them all… He gives them all to me for my good and His glory.

O Lord,
You have heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. I am a sinful man, broken by my selfishness to often only listen to my own heart and to seldom truly hear and heed Your Word. And yet, You tenderly and authoritatively break through with a love that is forceful enough to shake me from my selfishness, yet tender enough to hold me and to love me like no other! And in that mercy You pour good, even in what I thought was bad, into my life until I stand amazed and grateful for that spectacular grace! Why would You love me so? Why would You choose to turn the raging storm into a soothing and sustaining shower, watering my dry soul until it overflows like a clear spring of mercy? The only answer I know is that You love Your children. Once You see them through the righteousness of Your Son, You will overwhelm them with Your lovingkindness. Thank You, Lord, that You have heard my pleas!

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