Monday, June 10, 2024

always renewing

When you send forth your Spirit, they are created,
and you renew the face of the ground.
Psalm 104:30

Sometimes, when we need God to bring renewal and refreshment, we may be tempted to feel we are asking for the impossible. We may try to plead for what feels to us like a needed miracle. But Psalm 104:27-30 reminds us with encouragement that God is always providing renewal in the world. Kind of like the “circle of life” in The Lion King, God is replenishing, despite the hardships of the curse. From death springs new life. Winter gives up to spring every year. God loves to always be renewing.

And I believe this is also a spiritual reality. Of course it is most known by spiritually dead sinners being brought to life in the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead when they believe the gospel. And for Christians, that power is ALWAYS at work in us by the Spirit of God indwelling us. He makes all things new. Even in our trials. Even in major hardships. Even in sickness. Even in loss. Even in massive change. God renews the face of our ground even if fires have scorched it!

Thank You, God, that You renew. We are always seeing You at work until one day we will stand complete in Christ. Amen!

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