Friday, June 14, 2024

the difference between restoration and renewal

Restore us to yourself, O LORD, that we may be restored!
Renew our days as of old—
Lamentations 5:21

Restoration and renewal are two similar yet distinct experiences. The word “restore” in this prayer has a root meaning “to turn back”. It is similar to repentance, except in repentance the party that has done wrong “turns back”. In restoration, the party who has been wronged acts in such a way as to “turn back” to the broken relationship. So it is interesting that when we repent (turn back to God) He also chooses to restore (turn back to us).

It isn’t that God moved away so much as it is that our sin has created the vast distance between a perfect, holy God and a broken sinner. Yet God graciously is ready to restore… like the Father that He is, He longs to restore… He waits for us… He runs to His returning prodigals!

Renewal is a different part of the experience. It has a root meaning of “repair”. What is broken is fixed. What is defective is made whole. And in renewal God does the work exclusively. We have to be acted upon by Him. I cannot renew my days. I cannot rebuild what my sin has broken. Only God can do that work. And that is why new life in Christ is God’s doing and not my own. I have no righteousness outside of Jesus!

Yes, I can return and repent, but it is God’s Spirit that renews, rebuilds, and restores! And the God Who restores AND renews also meets all of our needs in the grace of Jesus Christ! Oh Lord my Savior, renew my days, I pray!

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