Thursday, March 31, 2022

one body, one peace

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

This call to experience peace in Christ comes on the heels of commands to forgive one another in love. For the Body of Christ to know the peace of Christ, it must practice and live in the forgiveness of Christ, loving like Jesus loves. And this is an effort well worth doing.

My flesh needs attention… craves recognition… wants the credit. And that means my prideful ego gets in the way of true unity. But Jesus calls believers to serve one another in love, with humility. It means my pride has no business in the building up of the Body of Christ. I should not compare myself with others. We are one, not many individuals who get to choose what we personally want. If we are one body, we submit to Jesus. We love Him and one another. We work out our differences with repentance, forgiveness, grace, and mutual faith. I can’t let my pride mar this beauty Jesus is making in His Church!

And when I take that “demotion”, I find true peace. What’s more, I see what Christ is really doing in blending many people, talents, backgrounds, skills, and gifts together so that the sum of His Church is vastly greater than just my small part. And that leads to grateful thanksgiving. That sum of all Christ does ministers uniquely, personally, and powerfully to me. I NEED the gifts of the Body of Christ to minister to me, correct me, challenge me, encourage me, receive from me, and mature me to live more like Jesus. All Christians need to know the peace of Christ in their hearts as they submit to Christ’s design for His Church.

You are doing a great work in Your Church. Use me as I submit to my place in Your Body. Help me in grace to embody love, forgiveness, and appreciation for other Christians. And let us together know this peace and thankfulness as You use us to bless our world with the gospel!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

two lists and a prayer

Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
Colossians 3:9-10

The contrast could not be more clear, my Lord. As I read Your commands about how to deal with remaining sinful desires and actions, I resolve to want to live in my new self, putting on the character of Christ, for Your glory. Make me, by your Word and Your Holy Spirit, such a person.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

brought to light

No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
Luke 8:16-17

There are a couple of ways the gospel brings to light what is around us. Primarily, through its consistent preaching, the gospel exposes what is wrong and as light shows us what is right in Jesus. We are reminded of the seriousness of sin, not only in our culture, but in our own hearts first. The gospel always shines on Jesus so we can see what we need most.

That is why churches should carefully construct public worship around the gospel. It isn’t about hip songs, fog machines, stage lighting, “relevant” feel-good sermons, and large crowds. It is however about preaching that Jesus died and rose again to forgive sin and bring the world true life. Only Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. That light must shine and never be hidden in the expensive, confusing veils of relevancy or theatrics.

The preaching of the gospel exposes what is dark in our hearts. It gives unbelievers light in which to repent, believe a Savior, and find forgiveness and eternal life. It gives believers light to continue in repentance and faith and thus follow Jesus as He keeps exposing our need. And it also calls everyone to remember that there is indeed a Day to come where everything is brought to light as Jesus judges this world. All judgment has been given to the Son. He will make what seems hidden (both in this world and in His church) manifest. Secrets WILL BE KNOWN and judged by Him. Your darkest thoughts and secrets will come out. My darkest musings will come to light. And that future light should call all of us in absolute seriousness and the fear of the Lord to live consciously in His light right now!

Monday, March 28, 2022


He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Colossians 2:15

What power does this world have over me?
Jesus has ALL the authority.
He broke through all worldly power
at resurrection’s mighty hour!
The earthly powers are put to shame
by the mighty victory in His name.

What control does this world have over me?
Jesus commands ALL my destiny.
Following Him is worth all the cost
because He triumphs through the cross.
Nothing in human history
matches His holy victory.

Why be enamored with worldly power?
Death lost forever in that resurrection hour.
A stone was rolled away
for the dawning of our Savior’s day.
And the world is never the same
under the new rule of Jesus’ name!

Broken swords, mangled armies lay
shattered on Christ’s resurrection day.
Satan lost, all worldly fame
now trembles at the mention of Jesus’ name.
Worldly power has all but retreated
for in Jesus they are ALL now defeated.

Disarmed by Jesus they no longer stand
as the gospel advances from land to land.
Saints may boldly preach good news
as Satan’s forces are bound to lose.
We must believe, stay in the fight,
love and trust our Lord and ALL HIS might.

Friday, March 25, 2022

hope of glory

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27

The “them” at the beginning of this verse are the “saints” of verse twenty-six. Paul was delighted to rejoice in his ministry of bringing the gospel to the Gentiles. He is rejoicing in the overwhelming response the gospel has had among the Gentiles. And he is encouraging the Colossian church that they are part of a much bigger work. God is building a people for Himself — saints — holy ones of God’s own choosing — all around the world. And in each and every believer Christ is living and building His church. And that church will last as a testament of His power and glory forever.

This sustaining perspective and hope still brings much needed encouragement. The world may seem hopeless. In Christ we are not however without hope. The world may seem out of control and doomed. It certainly is, but with Christ in us, His people are not that way. We are bought, redeemed, made holy, and empowered to bring glory to God the Father through Christ! Christ is in us, the hope of glory!

And so I have hope today. No world event will ever change that. No disease can end that eternal hope. Nothing can take away Who Jesus is, or what He has done for me.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

power of life

Then he came up and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” And the dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother.
Luke 7:14-15

Only God brings life to what is dead. And Jesus, in raising this young man showed His command over death and life. He simply commanded a corpse, and life entered into him again. The young man sat up, spoke up, and was raised up. The needs of the widow were met with a son God returned to her from the dead. And the power of God was known in Jesus Who commands life to the dead.

Jesus showed this kind of power repeatedly in His public ministry. He proved to all those following Him that there was something more to Him than mere claims and teaching. There was power to do what only God can do. And this brought both fear and wonder to all who witnessed it.

Jesus raises the dead still. And in salvation, each Christian is a dead person raised to a new life. In Christian baptism each believer pictures this death and resurrection. We believe this. We know this. We are raised to life in Christ. And one day these bodies do die. But in Jesus they will be raised again to new life. In that hope, I celebrate my new life in Jesus every day, knowing in Christ, death never has the final say!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Shared Trouble

Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble.
Philippians 4:14

It’s easy to attend a party
to share joy and celebration
but there’s more meaning by far
to join another’s tribulation

Some may walk away ashamed
unsure as how to share in pain
Others come near in the heartache
brothers still in pouring rain

When life is broken and lamented
and hearts are in their greatest need
that’s when true companionship is found
that’s when a friend is a friend indeed

What is kindness if all is happy?
There must be need as kindness is shown
and sacrifices with love beside us
are how true kindness through trouble is known

Look for hard times and hard lives
be a friend when trouble falls
support and comfort in the bad times
that’s when true fellowship really calls

Make a difference with your kindness
share in troubles, grief, and pain
love like Jesus in their sorrow
finding grace, hope, and love again

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

digging deep

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”
Luke 6:46

And with this penetrating question Jesus pushes into the closing application of His most famous sermon. To live by His kingdom rules requires the mind of a true disciple. It means that His work changes us at the heart level, so that new fruit is produced in what we say and do (Luke 6:43-45). And Jesus, as our Lord, fully expects to see us live differently. If I claim Jesus’ Lordship then I MUST live under and by His rule!

The result is a strong life that bears witness to the control and love of my Master. I must dig down deep, with the foundation of life in Christ deeply built on a solid rock foundation of believing and living by His teaching (Luke 6:47-49). And such a life will withstand the floods around me. Let the rains come. Let the wind blow. Let the waters rise. My life, built upon Christ lasts forever. Not even death destroys this soul.

But Jesus warns against mere lip service. I must hear His words AND do them. Failure to do them is not digging deep. It may look acceptable to others, but there is no foundation. And such a life is built to fail miserably. Jesus says that without His proper foundation based on both hearing and doing, a ruinous fall is immediate. Only taking Jesus in all seriousness prevents such collapse. As Lord, Jesus brings all I need to be a successful exhibit of His transforming grace. And so to call Him Lord means I must do what He says.

Lord Jesus,
It is worth it to dig deep. And on the foundation of knowing You, believing You, hearing You, and obeying You, I have a life that can withstand it all. Thanks for the warning and the call to follow You well.

Monday, March 21, 2022

how to engage a culture of hate

But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
Luke 6:27-28

Jesus turns our natural dispositions completely around with this teaching. Our internal sense of self bristles against these commands. We are wired to hate enemies, retaliate against others who hurt us, curse those who don’t like us, and pray against those who are against us. But Jesus calls us to a radical love in radical obedience to Him. He loves His enemies enough to die for them. As a former enemy of Christ, every Christian has experienced that undeserved love. He gives grace to those who by their own actions against Him should not deserve it. Jesus blesses those who don’t really want His blessing.

But we are called to love as Jesus loves, so we HAVE to do this. And that means that we love those who are against us. How? We have to love them in Christ’s love, which means we share the love of Christ for sinners and share the gospel freely and without reservation. We don’t hate them because they hate Jesus. We love them enough to keep showing them the grace of Jesus, proclaiming Him in the gospel in both words and in actions.

And we are called to do good to those who don’t do good to us. We don’t name call, hate, and villainize them. We must do good, even if our enemies are in control of political and cultural power. We pay taxes, we vote our consciences, we keep laws that are not in conflict with God’s Law, and we should be known as the best, kindest, most compassionate, most people loving, most generous of citizens as a result. After all, in Jesus, we DO possess the higher ground!

We bless when we are cursed. Yes, it will be the case that Christian values will become more and more hated in this world, particularly in the area of sexual ethics and morality. We will continue to be punch lines and punching bags. That is really nothing new. But we do not retaliate in the same vein. We bless when cursed, and don’t curse back!

And we pray. God help us to pray! We must truly and passionately intercede for the salvation of those who rage against God and us. We should pray for the cross to transform lives and key leaders. STOP PRAYING FOR CULTURAL CHANGE! Pray for gospel permeation and salvation of men and women! If God can turn Saul around, a killer of Christians, and turn him into an apostle of Christ, He can surely change even our culture by the power of the resurrected King!

Friday, March 18, 2022

why we do it

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14

Christians live for so much more. Life isn’t about a lucrative career, or a comfortable house with a two-car garage, or a perfect family portrait, or Instagram influencer status. Christians live far beyond all that superficiality.

Christians have a bigger goal. It isn’t found in this current time frame. It extends beyond today, tomorrow, or even next year. We are looking to our Lord for the big picture and that extends the time frame for achievement into eternity. Christians live for an everlasting, eternal reward.

Christians prize something much more substantial. It doesn’t gather dust in a trophy case. It isn’t a certificate to take up wall space. It isn’t a recognition or human honor at all. And it beats all other recognitions, medals, or moments human beings might give to one another. Christians prize the “well done” of their Master.

Christians have a different viewpoint for success. It isn’t earthbound. It doesn’t look down at where we are or what our hands may have done. Instead, it always looks up, into the face of our Savior, longing to be with Him, waiting for His appearing, serving until we are with Him. Christians succeed only in and by the power of Christ, Who will reward us one day, judging our work, welcoming His faithful ones home, and sharing in the joy of the Lord!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Watches of the Night

My eyes are awake before the watches of the night,
that I may meditate on your promise.
Psalm 119:148

With a burdened heart
I cannot rest
yet I know and believe
God will do the best

If I cannot sleep
I will pray
calling out to my God
at the end of my day

Throughout the night
with open eyes
I cry to my Lord
Who hears my sighs

I pour out my heart
to the God Who is there
for I know by faith
He hears all my prayer

I seek peace when I pray
I long for His touch
to comfort my heart
that God loves so much

And I find a small echo
returns again to me
a comforting word that
I soon begin to see

God promises to hear me
He has power to save
and I believe this truth
and the answer He gave

I then trust in His promise
with all of my might
as He has called me close to Him
in the watches of the night

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

investing for eternity

Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.
Philippians 2:17-18

Investing life in disciple making is a life well spent. It is worth it. Investments in people are eternal. Investing together while obeying and understanding the Word of God lasts forever. It is the only way to ensure that what you do and who are always continues. And even though the investment here and now may involve some sacrifice, the reward are definitely worth it. We should rejoice in the impact that serving, loving, and worshiping Christ together has for eternity.

When I wasn’t quite yet 20 years old, I was challenged with this statement: “You will never regret truly serving someone like Jesus did.” Given that Paul has already reminded the Philippian Church to love one another humbly with the servant’s mind of Jesus (Philippians 2:3-4), it would make sense for him to illustrate that from their own experiences. One very real outcome was his current satisfaction. He was in prison for the gospel, yet the gospel thrived in Philippi and every church Paul reached. And other believers also rejoiced in Jesus. So Paul was happy too because his sacrifice was paying huge dividends forever. It was thus no longer a sacrifice!

Whatever You call me to do today, You call me to invest in people… people who have eternal destinies and eternal impact in their own relationships. And that impact does indeed last forever. Give me the long view as I serve You. I rejoice that I too can be happy with that perspective.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

keep longing

My eyes long for your salvation
and for the fulfillment of your righteous promise.
Psalm 119:123

All my life I have longed for the completion of my salvation. That doesn’t mean I’ve longed for death. It DOES mean I have longed for an end to struggles with sin and the evils suffered in a broken world. And only God, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, is my salvation. This isn’t pessimism. It is the ultimate realistic, optimistic, confident hope!

I’ve only know a broken world of tragedy, wickedness, and death. Every human on earth must conclude the same. This is true personally. Even as a child, I watched loved ones suffer, people make wrong choices, and some people I knew eventually died. This is a sadness that is a result of sin’s curse on humanity. And it is unavoidable. But there is also within each of us a kind of nagging nudge that confronts us with the thought that all this tragedy and death isn’t the way it SHOULD be. And that uncomfortable realization can become a seed of faith, when watered by belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ, to trust the God Who saves!

This world is currently messed up in every kind of way. And the answers it offers just make it worse. Science and technology aren’t the answer. They complicate the problem. Science might bring healing medicine in one hand, and brutal instruments of warfare in the other. The same goes for politics. In one hand democracies look promising, while authoritarian governments crush freedom. And even democratic principles, left unchecked and then twisted by sinful expressions, create cultural chaos where sins are unrestrained and are now considered freedoms any human should get to express. My conclusion: No human devised solution to the madness of personal depravity fulfills the need for eternal salvation. It can’t even temporarily save. Instead human efforts amplify depravity.

And so I keep longing… daily. I long now while watching Europe looking at war again in the 21st century after such awful 20th century conflicts. This world has been at war somewhere all my life. I long now with truth under siege in the rise of chaotic social media where anybody can say anything and it is believed. I long now with Western culture embracing personal depravity as personal freedom. I long for God to fulfill His righteous promise. I long for the gospel to go forward in an increasingly lost world so that some may be saved in Jesus. I long for the nations to repent and turn to Jesus. I long for the appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ! There is no other way to live, even as evil people war and rage against God and one another, I know God will still save, and in His mercies His promises and righteousness will prevail so that one day He will make all things new, holy, and glorious.

Monday, March 14, 2022

the wisdom of His ways

You spurn all who go astray from your statutes,
for their cunning is in vain.
Psalm 119:118

There are really only two paths to take in terms of how you will live your life. You can choose to believe God, His Word, His Son, and His saving gospel or you can choose to reject that for your own thoughts. You can live God’s way, or by you can live by some humanly devised cunning. You can choose to reject God, and He will reject you. You choose human philosophy and cunning and God’s promise is that it will NOT WORK for you.

There are real promises however for those who choose God’s way. He becomes their security (Psalm 119:114). He upholds them by His promise and they are ultimately never put to shame by the security of faith that comes from God’s unfailing word (Psalm 119:116). They are kept safe in their obedience to His statues (Psalm 119:117). A healthy respect for the judgment of God provides discernment to reject secular and sinful perspectives (Psalm 119:120).

I’ve spent my life choosing Your truth, and although I am still learning it, I am convinced all the blessings of Your ways follow in my life. Help me live by and proclaim Your truth, loving the gospel, worshipping Jesus, pointing to abundant life in Him all my days. And may others that I know and love turn from their own cunning to love You as Lord and Your Word as life!

Friday, March 11, 2022

loving gospel community

It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.
Philippians 1:7

Shared Christian community, especially in suffering, creates intense loving companionship around the gospel. That is why Paul could confidently trust that God was still doing good things both in his ministry, and in the lives of the Philippian believers in whom He had begun His good work. Professional ministry detachment isn’t biblical! It wasn’t a thing for Paul. The opposite, in fact, was the result of authentic ministry: a deep affection for those who experience mutual ministry.

What a tender truth for Paul to write to his friends… “I hold you in my heart.” That is deep discipleship. When those who serve Christ together can say that of one another, the answer to Jesus’ own prayer in John 17 is revealed. We are one as Christ is one with the Father. Never should a community of believers be afraid to say “I hold you in my heart”.

I’m nearly 35 years into church ministry as my occupation and life. And over three and a half decades of gospel community, there have been SO MANY people God has made dear to my heart. Some of my most prized possessions are found in boxes of cards and letters sent to me by those encouraging saints Jesus has called me alongside! I partake of grace with them both in difficulties and in the delights of life. Many times their words have kept me going or lifted me from depression. There is no experience more moving than this. Some of those friends are now with Jesus. All of them are amazing stories of the grace of Christ. And this sense of loving community keeps confirming the gospel and assuring me this is a life well spent. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

At Your Word

And they were all amazed and said to one another, “What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!”
Luke 4:36

At Your Word, Lord
even demons must flee
the light breaks forth
darkness ceases to be

By Your power, Lord
the hosts of hell all fall
and Your Kingdom advances
for You rule it all

With Your authority, Lord
You command it all
and restore this world
from the rubble of the Fall

At Your Word, Lord
marvelous miracles appear
and we stand in awe
of what You do here

You command it, Lord
and it comes to be
just like in creation
You speak, then we see

Your power, my Lord
ends sinful control and strife
You renew my heart
and give me Your new life

Your control, Lord Jesus
extends over everything
You are great God and Savior
You are the amazing King

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

whether slave or free

…rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free.
Ephesians 6:7-8

These words were written to slaves. And though that world appears harsh to modern thinking, it was the situation in the First Century Roman Empire Christian culture. Paul addressed both slaves and their masters with transforming and authoritative truth. Slaves did not serve out of mere slavery once they became Christians. Instead, like all Christians whether slave or free, they were to do all things in Christlike service to other people. All Christians were called to be bondservants of Christ. All were called to do the will of God from the heart.

Christians live, not by a worldly set of perspectives, but by the kingdom rule of Jesus. All must surrender to Jesus as Master. All believers are called to serve God and others with the goal of pleasing the Lord, and not just for human recognition. We look for Christ’s approval alone.

And there is a promise attached to this kind of attitude. The good we do serving Christ will be given back to us multiplied by grace from the Lord. Jesus doesn’t demand just slavish devotion. He rewards His servants well. Thus, in Christ, all are equally loved, blessed, and brought together. We humble ourselves in service to Christ as we serve others, and we are promised to be rewarded in that service by our Lord Himself. May that transformed slavery mindset be our own rewarding service as Christians bring the gospel, expand the kingdom, and display the image of Jesus Christ in a society still very much needing His transforming authority!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I hope in Your word.

My soul longs for your salvation;
I hope in your word.
Psalm 119:81

Trusting God requires real hope. And one of the clear ways to find secure hope is in the Word of God. The scriptures give true hope. The Word of God shows us the person of God and the work of God so that we may find hope in the power of God to save His people. And so we can believe. God does not ask for blind faith at all. We believe because He has revealed Himself in His Word. We can trust God, finding His Word to be trustworthy.

But in order to find this hope and live in that kind of faith, we must be consistently encouraged in God’s Word. I have found that if there is a lack of Bible intake for me, there will be a dying of faith in me. I will struggle outside of regular scriptural exposure. I will seek hope and perspective in wrong places and be disappointed and discouraged, perhaps even depressed. I need to hope in God’s Word. And so I must be constantly exposed to it in reading it, studying it, learning from scripture, putting it to the test in my own life, hiding it in my heart, hearing it preached, and finding undeniable truth principles as a fixed point for true faith that shines hope everywhere I look.

O God of hope,
I long for Your saving work. I live in and for Your salvation. I seek to know You, find Your power, and enjoy my hope as I live in Your Word.

Monday, March 7, 2022

blameless today

May my heart be blameless in your statutes,
that I may not be put to shame!
Psalm 119:80

God’s Word will show me what I need to be. That was the prayer here in this verse. God’s Word shows me a holy God. And it calls me to be holy like He is holy. The longing in this prayer here is to be blameless before God, to keep His statutes and to be without shame before a holy God.

But ever since Adam and Even chose to disobey just one command God gave to them, the human race lacks the ability to be blameless without His intervening grace. As much as I want to be holy, my sinful self keeps me far from it in thought, in attitudes, and in my behavior. I need His Word to show me His ways. But I can only live in those ways as God changes me to do so.

Thankfully, that is what the gospel is all about. In Jesus, I can be changed! In Jesus, my heart is directed to holiness, not on the basis of my own righteousness, but in the perfect life of Jesus Himself. I am cleansed from sin, declared holy by Jesus’ death, raised to walk a new life in His resurrection, and led to do so by the Word of God, convicted, assured, and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God.

May I not be put to shame today. I want to live in Christ. I confess I am still seeing sin as sinful as Your Word shows me Your higher ways. I am thankful that Christ’s righteousness allows me to be now forgiven by the Father, empowered by the Spirit, to live following the Son of God. Jesus, You have made my heart blameless in You. And I will look to You, my Master, to show me Your ways today!

Friday, March 4, 2022

watch what I say

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29

Lord, help me watch what I say
I want to live in Your way
so lead me to watch what I say

I’m tempted to speak my mind
but corrupting words may unwind
so help me find words that are kind

People need grace and building up
I can help overflow their cup
Lord, give me words that warm them up

As I speak word that encourage
lead me to build up those discouraged
and may Your Holy Spirit always nourish

Speak in me Your words of grace
as I see Your loving Father’s face
coaching all alongside me to run this race

Thursday, March 3, 2022

world full of grace

The earth, O LORD, is full of your steadfast love;
teach me your statutes!
Psalm 119:64

We live in a world filled by God’s grace. That was the observation in this ancient psalm and it is even more clearly known in Jesus today. God’s faithful, steadfast love has always made Him known to His creation. We see it every day in a multitude of ways. We sense it in the steadily turning seasons. We know it as the world He gave us feeds us, waters us, clothes us, and shelters us. God created what we need to live in His common grace.

And God revealed Himself in the grace of His Word. We can read it and see Him, knowing what it is He desires of us. We can worship the God Who has graciously made Himself clearly known in the pages of His Word. It is a great grace to have so much truth readily at our fingertips when we open a Bible.

And of course, God has given us the greatest grace in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. And He calls us not just to believe the gospel, but to bring it all over the world. His Church is to flood His grace globally in obeying the command of Jesus to make disciples everywhere we go. The world is full of God’s grace. May we see it, know it, and show it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

unity & maturity

…until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.
Ephesians 4:13-14

The church exists to make disciples, and has been gifted with leaders and teachers who “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” in order to build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). What is the completion of this work? How do we know when we do it? What are the measurements of successful discipleship? This passages emphasizes two measurements.

1) Unity. We grow together. Believers should be unified around a common faith, a common gospel that draws us together. We should also unify around the mutual expression of being like Jesus… the gospel calls us all to know our Master and follow Him. Unity in Jesus focuses not on our differences, but on the powerful reality that we all have the same great Savior.

2) Maturity. The text says we are not to be children any longer, but are instead to grow into mature manhood. A contrast is between between childishness and maturity. Childish characteristics include instability in belief (tossed around by waves), easy influence of opinion (carried by winds of doctrine), and vulnerability to deception (prone to be swayed by human cunning, not holy truth). The text later describes characteristics of mature Christians. They speak truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). They serve in their unique spiritual giftedness, not trying to usurp or damage one another, and they build up other believers in love (Ephesians 4:16).

Grant me Your wisdom and grace to live in unity and seek maturity in Your Church. May I grow and be used to help my brothers and sisters also grow more like the fullness of Jesus as You desire.