Tuesday, June 25, 2024

real faith and real needs

And when he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”
Luke 5:20

There are two remarkable truths about Jesus in this short verse that capture my thinking as I read this story of healing, grace, and courageous faith. The first observed truth is this: Jesus knows the entire story and acts accordingly. The text says that Jesus saw the faith of the paralytic’s friends. These people carried a man to Jesus. They climbed a rooftop, open up the tiles, and lowered their friend down through the crowd so that he might meet Jesus and be healed. They not only believed with their friend, but also that faith acted FOR their friend. And Jesus was moved by the actions their faith took in order to see their friend meet Jesus.

Secondly, Jesus dealt with the real problem. It wasn’t just physical paralysis that was this man’s great need. It was his unforgiven sin that Jesus addressed first. Of course, none of the friends thought of spiritual paralysis first, but Jesus met both the physical and the spiritual need, showing that faith in Him was necessary to heal both.

And so I must remember as I seek Jesus to recognize that it is spiritual need that He must address foremost. Will I have the faith to faithfully carry those who have no way to get to Jesus to Him? Will I hold up the lost in prayer and carry them in love to the One Who heals? How petty I am in my own prayers! I too often petition my Lord for my material wants and needs forgetting the state of my soul. I too am powerless and bound by sin’s paralysis. I must be lowered to Him. And only Jesus both forgives and heals. Only He sees real faith and real need. O Lord, open my eyes to see people and myself as You do!

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