Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Judgment is no joke.

But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
2 Peter 3:7

People are naturally resistant to accountability to God in judgment. Peter warns that sinfully motivated scoffers will mock the very concept of judgment. They will claim that a look at the world order will show that nothing much has changed in the universe for ages. They basically use a smoothly spoken uniformitarian argument to try to dissuade people from believing in the truth that God will judge this world. But in reality they ignore that 1) God formed all that there is from nothing in the first place just by His spoken word, and 2) He has already enacted one global catastrophe in the Flood recorded in Genesis chapter six.

Peter’s point is that the God whose Word created the universe, and by His own prediction later flooded the globe, would also keep His Word as prophets have foretold to bring judgment on the world by fire. The mockers can scoff all they want, but God’s Word has always been true and will be again. Judgment is no joke.

Theologically speaking, the past is a predictor of the future. The Word of God will stand true. God’s justice will prevail because He has said it. And Christians should always trust and obey the Word of the Lord knowing we answer to the Judge of all souls.

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