Tuesday, October 22, 2019

unceasing need for mercy

And he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Luke 18:38-39

When this blind man knew that Jesus was near, he could not be stopped from crying out for Jesus to have mercy upon him and heal him. He wanted his sight restored. He believed Jesus alone could make him see. He knew Jesus was near. He would not let the cruel and uncaring crowd silence him. He begged for Jesus to show mercy and heal him. His incessant cries broke through the din of the crowd until Jesus Himself approached him, spoke with him, heard his cry for help, and mercifully gave him back his sight.

How like this blind man is every sinful soul. My soul in its natural state is as desperate as this. I need Jesus. I needed the mercy of Jesus to give me back my sight and my life. And when by faith I cried out to Him in desperate belief in the gospel, Jesus heard me, healed me, and saved me! I was that blind beggar. And in my struggles I always need my merciful Savior as my only hope.

Sin is a blinding peril. And though my world seeks to deceive those blinded by sin and self, to dissuade them to stay blind and not seek sight, the gospel speaks better to those who truly hear it. Sin is not who anyone is. It isn’t an identity or a lifestyle. It is an affront to a holy God. It is a cruel, crippling condition and a merciless master. But Jesus alone breaks that power! He sets us free! He gives sight again. Jesus has mercy!

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