Tuesday, October 29, 2019

most valuable

How much better to get wisdom than gold!
To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.
Proverbs 16:16

I need wisdom all day long. It is more important than any possession, any goal, and any other activity. I need God to inform my thoughts, my attitudes, my choices, and my actions with the wisdom of His Word because I do really dumb things when I don’t care about His wisdom. I am convinced that the most important time of my day is right now... with open Bible, journal, and pen in hand... I start thinking hard about what God says in the Bible and why it is important for me to believe it. The value of this to my life is priceless!

I would not even begin to call myself wise, but I do treasure the wisdom in scripture. I do not understand many things, but through faith in Christ and the confidence found in God’s Word, I will trust what God says even when life has me totally perplexed! And that encourages faith for times when I do not understand what God is doing. Faith is a kind of understanding beyond my own understanding. And it too is priceless to me.

Your wisdom is the most valuable asset of any life. And however it works out, I would pray that I end up always valuing understanding and wisdom as the eternal riches I have through Christ Jesus. May Your grace through Your gospel, Your wisdom in Your Word, Your understanding by faith, always be with me!

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