Tuesday, August 6, 2019


And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”
Luke 5:31-32

When I am least cognizant of my status as a sinner, I am least aware of my Savior. But when I readily search my heart and know the sins I’ve done and the depth of sin of which I am capable, I lean hard into heeding Jesus’ call to repent and turn to Him. I need a physician for this sick heart. I need a Savior for my sins. I need Jesus, for I am not well and I am not righteous!

Jesus upset the religious elite by His constant association with people they deemed “sinners”. Everyone came to hear Jesus preach the truth and to receive His healing touch. The mercy He gave to sinners... a mercy consisting of common conversation and the power of His presence, was vastly different from the separationist policies of the Pharisees. Jesus saved from the midst of a crowd of broken, sinful people. He was with them. He lived among them. He ate at their tables, talked with them, challenged them, healed them, and made them His disciples.

Lord Jesus,
I want my heart to be forgiven of my great sin, so I will live with an awareness of the redemption You bring. I also want to freely follow You among a crowd of unpretentious sick people in line for You, the Great Doctor, to make them whole. You are the friend of despised people and outcasts. You are the friend of sinners. Help me to love sinners who need You as much as I need You!

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