Tuesday, August 13, 2019

joy always

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Philippians 4:4

Joy is found in Jesus and as I am reminded by Paul in this command, it is always found in Jesus. I can always rejoice in the Lord. I can rejoice when life goes well. I can rejoice when I experience difficulty. I can know grace in Jesus even as I struggle with sins in my heart or with others. I can find joy, even in the sorrows of life. There may be loss. There may be death. But in Jesus there is always gain and always life. Praise the Lord! I can rejoice.

Selfishness will miss this joy. I can moan over my pains. I can fuss over my relationships. I have a tendency to want more than I need and feel either deficient or entitled as a result. And all these sinful, selfish attitudes will rob me of joy. But when I center on the gospel and I am truly thankful for what Jesus has done in saving a sinner like me, I will rejoice! I will sing in my heart! I will know joy.

Rejoice, O my soul! Jesus has saved you! Jesus is now your life. You are always His and He will complete His good work in you for His glory. Praise Jesus for this great gift of life and grace. Know His power at work in you to bring you joy... always.

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