Friday, June 3, 2016

redeemed and singing

He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
Psalm 111:9

What was true in Israel's worship songs is even more amazingly relevant today. This verse of song celebrates God "buying back" Israel from slavery in Egypt. Their national history began with a redemption known as the Exodus. And that redemption was instigated with the Passover in which a lamb was killed and blood was spilled marking the doorpost of each home to protect firstborn sons and the nation from death. God then made an eternal covenant with His redeemed people at Sinai.

And these words have an even deeper significance in Christ, our Passover Lamb. Christians believe that Jesus redeemed us from sin's slavery. His blood was shed as the only Son of God to save us all. God made an everlasting new covenant with those who believe and trust in Christ and are now His redeemed people.

Holy and awesome is the name of our Redeemer! Jesus is our Savior and our Covenant King! He has led us from slavery to sonship. He will keep us forever.

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