Monday, June 20, 2016

a matter of respect

For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your good.
Psalm 122:9

The theme of Psalm 122 is a call for Israel to pray for the peace and safety of Jerusalem. This theme is explained and rationalized by two bookends in the first and last verses. Jerusalem was vital not just as the seat of Israel's civil government, but much more importantly as the center of worship with the temple of the Lord located there. That is why the pilgrims could be glad to be invited to make the climb up Mt. Zion to the house of the Lord (Psalm 122:1). It was why prayers for the peace and safety of Jersusalem were offered during pilgrimages (Psalm 122:6) and it was the seeking of Jersusalem's prosperity that was encouraged at the end of this psalm (Psalm 122:9). All these actions were important to safeguard corporate worship in the Lord's temple.

My thought as I read all this is to consider ways that I too might respect the worship of the Lord. No building is more sacred than God is, but I do have questions about my attitude. For instance, do I respect the privilege of corporate worship in "God's house" with "God's people"? Do I treat that regular corporate worship time with the joy and honor that GOD deserves? If not, what does that say about my worship? It's a matter of respect.

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