Monday, May 20, 2024

wait in hope of renewal

All the days of my service I would wait,
till my renewal should come.
Job 14:14b

Job looks at a life that has been decimated by loss, grief, and sorrow. Catastrophe has wiped out his wealth. Disaster killed his family. Disease has wasted his own body. And yet he longs for something better. He expresses a firm patience in His problems and plans to persevere despite the pain and pressure. He will wait for God to bring some better things. He will long for a new work to be done. Job hopes for renewal.

Job’s faith despite his unthinkable situation is instructive for just how hope works! It is the way we find God at work even today as we often must wait and still serve God even as circumstances are less than ideal. Getting a new life in Christ does not mean we won’t have difficulties. God renews best in the midst of our troubles and through chaotic change.

Case in point: Genesis 1:2. The whole world began in a formless void… a chasm of chaos that God spoke into an ordered universe. God does excellent creative work with what seems unmanageable. Creation began in chaos. And so often does renewal! God will renew and recreate in Christ our chaotic circumstances and transforms decimated lives! We must patiently wait, and trust, with hope in the God of renewal.

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