Tuesday, May 14, 2024

restored double

Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope;
today I declare that I will restore to you double.
Zechariah 9:12

O God,
You do good work. Your grace pours over me more than I need. You fill me. You fulfill me. You save me from my worst sins and failures. You turn my mistakes into Your miracles of mercy. You restore to me double what I ever had thought I had lost. You are a good Father Who delights in giving good gifts to His children. I once was a prisoner holding onto hope in Jesus… waiting, praying, hoping, and trusting that one day sorrow could turn to joy and restraint to dancing! And now I enjoy Your bountiful restored blessings… more than I can count. I am in awe of such a God of grace!

I did not deserve this kind of extravagance. Yet you have poured out Your life for me. You have called me to daily deny myself, take up a cross, and follow You. And here I am now in possession of such an enormous wealth of spiritual blessing! Truly You have done “exceeding abundantly above” all that I can ask or imagine according to the riches of Your grace. I am beyond grateful! Praise the Lord Who restores to us double!

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