Monday, February 14, 2022

rooted redemption

So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
Mark 15:15

What Pilate did motivated by populist ideology and expediency actually became the most eternally significant event in the universe. Jesus would be crucified at the decision of a hasty and easily influenced corrupt politician. And it is ironic in a divinely orchestrated way that careless self-absorption and power politics would lead Jesus to the cross. All our sins, all my sin, sent Him there. But the story makes absolute sense in redemptive drama. Jesus would suffer for sins at the hands of sinners with cruel injustice and selfishness apparent everywhere. Even His own disciples sinfully denied Him and fled in fear.

Pilate had guilt in this injustice. So did the Jewish Sanhedrin who perjured lies about Jesus. So did Peter who willfully denied Christ three times in just a few hours. So did I in my sinfulness, pride, and selfishness. Pilate may have thought he was doing Jerusalem a favor by releasing Barabbas and condemning Jesus, but he actually just contributed to the sin debt Jesus would bear as He died on the cross Pilate assigned to him. And God would grant the true GREAT FAVOR of grace as Jesus died for the sins of the entire world.

Looking back now at that cross, I know Jesus willingly laid down His life. He wasn’t just caught in a conspiracy. He was led, by the Father’s eternal plan, to the place where He would lay down His life… the last sacrifice as the Lamb of God… to take away the sins of the world. Pilate may have signed the execution papers, but Jesus gave Himself for us.

Salvation is rooted in the grit and drama of human history. Redemption is a real event. Eternal life is offered now because Jesus really died, was really buried, and really rose again. It is as real as yesterday and as hope-filled as an eternal tomorrow with our Savior!

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