Tuesday, February 1, 2022

damaging self-commendation

For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
2 Corinthians 10:18

These five words have probably ruined solid ministry more than any others: “You should write a book”. I’m serious. I’ve been on a ministry-driven lifestyle for thirty-four years. I’ve seen more Christian books, DVDs, purchasable programs, and media than I care to count… “church growth” books, “deeper life” books, “how to succeed in” books, and my least favorite — “secret of” books, ad infinitum… ad nauseum. And unfortunately, I have spent a LOT of time reading these kinds of books. True confession: I have forced myself to read some really noxious Christian best sellers because I knew people in my church were getting excited about them and I, as their pastor, needed to know how it was affecting things. 

I am always surprised how some “mantle of success” anoints some new church ministry model or best selling Christian market writer. Of course it helps that big publishing contracts come with a marketing budget. A self-commending circle of publishing can easily be found in nearly every segment of Christian thought. It is like 2 Corinthians 10:12 isn’t even found in the biblical text! (Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.) This would be outrageously funny if it weren’t so grossly unscriptural.

I firmly believe there is an army of quiet, conviction-driven, Jesus-following ministers of the gospel who just silently fight this pride-filled mania. They teach in their ministries. They spend their lives in one on one and small group disciple-making. They labor in unknown places with people who need Jesus. They pour themselves into hours of scriptural study in order to preach and teach without ever a thought of creating a money-making platform from that labor. They freely distribute what is given to them by God. Count me a member of The Resistance! The one outstanding example of this kind of thing, a fly in the ointment of hyped Christian publishing machinery, is John Piper’s ministry at Desiring God. Yes, books are published, but all proceeds go to non-profit ministry… and this is the coolest part… EVERY book is also available as a FREE digital resource on their website. It isn’t about the money, self-commendation, and marketing! How refreshing! Truth… not for sale or self-promotion.

Lest you think I totally despise Christian publishing, I don’t. It needs to happen. I’m glad that it does. But like Paul, my prayer is that self-promotion and personality-driven ministry would be seen as totally incompatible with the gospel. May we be humble, obedient disciples making humble, obedient disciples. May Jesus be promoted. May we be commended and driven by His “well done” alone.

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