Monday, December 17, 2018

my Alpha, my Omega

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8

God’s love in Christ is truly a universal constant because the second person of the Godhead has always been, has come to save us, and will always be. He will come again and every eye shall see him, the One they have pierced, and all the tribes on this planet will give account of themselves to Jesus (Revelation 1:7). Jesus is the Almighty Alpha and Omega, who was, and now is, and is yet to come. He is now always for us and will always be with us.

Just as this is a constant fact about the universe in which we live, it is also true of my own individual life. God loved me before I knew Him. He brought me into this world. He sovereignly made the gospel known to me by drawing my parents to Him quite dramatically when I was only seven years old. It’s been almost five decades since then and I remember it still so clearly. Jesus is my Alpha, right there as my life began.

God has shown me His Son all my life, and I am grateful for that life in Christ, though I haven’t nearly honored Him enough yet. Jesus is what I live for now. He is my Lord. 

And Jesus is my Omega. He is what I look forward to forever. I will stand before Him complete and whether I see His return to join Him in the clouds, or if He holds my hand in the valley of the shadow of death, I shall always worship my Lord. This is the certain hope of every Christian.

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