Wednesday, September 20, 2017

sin bites

Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own
is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears.
Proverbs 26:17

This is wise advice. The proverb warns us against inserting ourselves quickly into the quarrels and conflicts of other people. No matter what we do, we have just put outselves in a position where we are going to get bitten! Meddling in a quarrel creates greater conflict and will turn at least part, if not all, of the conflict against the one who meddles.

It is much better to mediate a quarrel. The mediator can secure two parties in conflict into a relationship where a third party can be a person of peace who can lead the quarrel to end in peace, forgiveness, and restorative grace. But that can only happen if everyone is brought to the gospel first. And people have to be ready to do that. Often they are not.

I am no longer amazed at the conflict I see around me both inside and outside the church. Sin creates enmity with God. It is divisive, separating us from God and creating distance and difficulty in human relationships. Right after Adam and Even sinned, they hid from God and covered themselves from each other. Sin creates uncomfortability and conflict. It is at some point at the root of all our quarrels. It can turn a simple disagreement into an all out war.

Sinners in conflict don't need other sinners meddling in their quarrels. Sinners in conflict need the gospel. Only the restorative grace found in Jesus' death and resurrection can resolve our fights and calm our hearts. Jesus is our Mediator. Jesus is our Peace Who made peace with God and with other people possible! If I want to make peace, I must point people to the gospel, lest I meddle and get burned by the conflict.

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