Thursday, September 21, 2017


It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:31

Apostasy is a very serious matter, perhaps the “worst case scenario” in the life of the Church. Hebrews 10 warns against Christians deliberately denying Christ by choosing a life of sin over their Savior. This choice denies Jesus in some conscious way, leaving the accountability and encouragement of His church (Hebrews 10:24-25), and deliberately rejecting repentance and faith in Christ’s sacrifice (Hebrews 10:29), grieving the Holy Spirit Who convicts of sin and enlightens God’s Word so we know the right way. All that is left is God’s judgment (Hebrews 10:27).

We live in an age where such easy apostasy can get instant “support” from outside the church. With internet communications instantly letting us connect with those who “think like us”, we can be fooled into thinking that since other people share our thoughts, we are right. But that just means that other people are under God’s judgment as well. And outside of Christ, the whole world is under the influence of Satan. It would make sense that sinners can congregate in their sin, in great numbers, and with loud voices. They may even “care” for those who share their sin. But this does not mean they are right.

Apostates simply choose to join the nations that rage against God. But all who reject Christ cannot be saved because they have rejected their only hope of salvation, and as long as they do that, their rejection keeps them from eternal life. That means that their willful rejection is their worst sin. Until such person willfully repents and believes, and trusts Jesus for salvation and life, surrendering to His Lordship, they will remain in the fearful condition of judgment in the hands of the Almighty, Great I Am... the living God.

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