Friday, November 10, 2023

God of the new and the hidden

“You have heard; now see all this;
and will you not declare it?
From this time forth I announce to you new things,
hidden things that you have not known.”
Isaiah 48:6

Israel had a relationship with God in which He made His will clearly known in the ministry of the prophets. God used these men so that in the blessings that Israel received, they could only attribute God as the source because the prophets had spoken. God knew Israel was obstinate. He knew they would try to trust in idols. And so He brought prophetic events to pass to prove only He was Israel’s God (Isaiah 48:3-5).

When judgment finally came, Israel also knew, because of the prophecies, that God had brought it. They could not either in good times or bad ever doubt that God was in control. His Word was true. His prophets were verified. God did what He said. 

And now in prophecy God was saying a new thing. And it was an outpouring of grace… a new mercy was coming! God knew they were treacherous people. God knew they had rebel hearts (Isaiah 48:8). The God Who brought judgment they deserved would bring deliverance they did not deserve. He would save and redeem. They would run out of captivity freed once more… liberated to serve the God Who both judged them and freed them (Isaiah 48:17-22). He would renew the kind of care for Israel historically exhibited in the wilderness. The biggest new thing promised in Isaiah 48? God would bring them back home.

You are a God of revelation. You have spoken. I must believe You. 
You are a God of judgment. I too have a rebel heart. I must repent.
You are a God of new deliverance. I will trust You when You make new things from the old, in a mercy I will receive and a grace I never earned.

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