Wednesday, December 9, 2020

“Where are the nine?”

Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
Luke 17:17-19

Ten lepers were healed all together by Jesus one day between Samaria and Galilee. They cried out for mercy to Him and He simply told them to go show themselves to the priests, which is what the Law commanded for lepers who had been cleansed of disease. Obeying Jesus’ command, all ten were healed of their leprosy. All ten believed the word and were healed of leprosy... visibly cleansed from horrific scars and festering wounds.

Yet of those ten, only one of them quickly returned to fall down at Jesus’ feet in adoring praise and grateful worship. One lone Samaritan actually worshiped the God of his salvation. All ten begged for mercy yet only one was grateful for receiving the blessing Jesus gave.

Jesus was pleased to acknowledge the true faith and worship of the lone Samaritan. But Jesus was also dismayed at the lack of gratefulness from the other nine. Ten lepers cleansed... one was grateful... nine were complacent. And there is a lesson worth pondering as Jesus asks: “where are the nine?”

So... “Where ARE the nine?” Is it possible that a majority of lives touched by the powerful healing Word of Christ barely give Him acknowledgement? Could that happen today? Polls have for decades shown many more people in America “claim” to be evangelical Christians than actually attend church. It is true that in this passage, Jesus did not command the worship of the lepers, but really, shouldn’t a life changed by Jesus naturally well up into adoration and WANT to be with Him? That is the point of the passage... Jesus deserves the worship of changed lives.

But when I look at my own heart, I realize there are times I have too often been content to be in the company of the nine. How quickly I can go my own way healed, but not in awe of my Healer, as if the touch of Jesus in my life is just routine. Oh how the tender Samaritan heart needs to be in me, to remember the leper I was... the outcast, forsaken, and cursed sinner... and to rejoice in and proclaim the wonderful Savior Who has made me whole!

Where ARE the nine? Physically whole, but spiritually broken and distant from Jesus. Instead, I want to be the one... worshiping at the feet of my Lord completely grateful by offering Him my worship both body and soul!

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