Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Jesus gets real.

That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons. And the whole city was gathered together at the door.
Mark 1:32-33

Jesus had the kind of ministry that so authentically cared for people that everyone who heard or saw Him seemed to want to grab their friends and bring them to Jesus. Pretty quickly at the onset of public ministry, Mark shows us how widely Jesus became known. The whole region of Galilee learned of Him quickly (Mark 1:28) because of a sermon followed by the casting out of a demon in the synagogue at Capernaum. His teaching had authority and His action backed it up (Mark 1:27). Also, does anybody else wonder what a demon was doing in a church service? What about that synagogue made it a comfortable place for a demon to sit down? And what about Jesus changed that? Interesting questions to ponder...

After exiting the synagogue, Jesus goes into the home of Peter where he heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law from a feverish illness. By the end of the day the whole town was at the door of Peter’s house with sick folks with them. Jesus healed the sick in the crowd, and again there were people possessed by demons being delivered. Jesus suddenly had a very impactful ministry. Mark is showing us a picture of Jesus as the very busy, very caring, servant of God. 

Jesus also came to confront the darkness that Satan and sin have over our world. After preaching the light of the gospel, He cast out demons. Mark records this as the first miracle of Jesus. Three of the five miraculous events in the first chapter of Mark involve casting out demons. It is clear there is a spiritual war being led by Jesus against the devil’s subjugation of mankind. It was serious business... the devil had infiltrated houses of worship. This was a battle of light vs darkness, truth vs lies, holy vs unholy, and freedom vs bondage.

The gospel engages the worst sins in society. It reveals where we are deceived even when we may be blind to it. The gospel isn’t just about words from a podium. The proclamation of the good news sets those in bondage free! Demons flee when Jesus comes into a life! Oh for the gospel to so change our people, our homes, our towns, our public policies, our perceptions of ethnic differences, our gatherings for worship, and our world today!

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