Friday, January 26, 2018

For the people

So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of judgment on his heart, when he goes into the Holy Place, to bring them to regular remembrance before the Lord.
Exodus 28:29

And in this way God was honored as Aaron, and every high priest after him, bore on his chest the names of the tribes for whom he interceded. This kept the task of ministry visibly ever before the priests. He ministered on behalf of these people before the LORD. Each incense wave, each sacrifice offered, each prayer for the nation had this personal reminder that the nation was judged and atoned before the LORD.

Ministry for the priests was not about the projects, the tasks, or the necessary furniture of the Holy Place. But you might get lost in all the details of the earthly tabernacle as God blueprinted it to Moses. No, the priests were people, seriously approaching a holy God, for the sake of other people. Wearing the names of the twelve tribes above their hearts as they did so kept them cognizant of the truth that ministry is all about bringing people to the mercies of a forgiving and loving God.

I’m so glad vestments are not now required (honestly I have trouble donning a tailored suit as a pastoral uniform), and that there is only one Great High Priest... Jesus. But as a pastor, I still often intercede before my God for His people in prayer and the giving of the Word, calling us to mutual obedience and submission to God’s Spirit. And no vision for ministry, no building program, no ministry project exists that is remotely more important than the people Jesus loves and calls me to love!

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