Monday, October 14, 2024

prayer of the afflicted

For he has not despised or abhorred
the affliction of the afflicted,
and he has not hidden his face from him,
but has heard, when he cried to him.
Psalm 22:24

Oh Lord,
You are in control of everything that happens to me. You lead this life. You direct all circumstances. You lay the path before me and lead me as I walk in it.

And when the road is hard, I am well aware now that suffering is part of Your good design. My afflictions are never unknown or without good purpose. For countless generations You have led Your people through health and blessing, planting and harvest, hardship and hurt, and struggle and victory. You won’t stop now!

And not all afflictions are the same. Sometimes I suffer as a clear consequence of my own sin so that in Your mercy You might draw me to repentance. And other times because this world is so very broken by Adam’s Fall, there is suffering and difficulty… the thorns and thistles of my existence. Suffering is a part of every life… surviving is part of the task of living… and those perspectives are not fatalistic, but faithful for those who follow You, Lord.

For Christians, You may deem us worthy to carry on the afflictions of Christ. We may suffer for His sake, hated by the world, judged by those under Your judgment, and mocked by those who hate You.

I know this: You hear me in my afflictions. You respond with grace, healing, and mercies to all my sorrows. You never hide Your face from me. I believe this. I see it. I rejoice to be worthy to experience Your good hand in hard seasons.

I have one primary purpose in my life: to worship You, my God! I will sing Your praise and declare Your glory.

I have one primary mission in my life: to tell as many around me as I can about Your faithfulness and saving love. I will make my God and Savior known by Your sustaining love!

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