Wednesday, October 2, 2024

alert admonishment

Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.
Acts 20:31

There are two things Paul says to the Ephesians elders here in this verse that grab my heart right now. First is the call to “be alert”. This is a command to be vigilant. Church leaders must always be on the lookout for people and situations that may divide the flock of God. Paul warned the Ephesian elders that “fierce wolves” WILL (not might) come into the life of the church. Elders must guard against those who will divide. The attempt will always be made.

Secondly, the description of HOW Paul cautioned and warned the Ephesian church during his three year personal ministry among them is also very powerful. He admonished (warned, exhorted, cautioned, reproved gently) the church leaders continuously (night and day) and emotionally (with tears). It is deeply difficult and demanding to commit to care well for believers. It will always cost time, energy, and commitment. It will consume significant personal reserves. Paul’s example is meant to call the Ephesian elders to do ministry in the same way.

I’ve been in local church leadership for well over three and a half decades. I can’t even begin to count all the heavy conversations or long nights that have come with that experience. It is a regular occurrence. Such things are required. The call to vigilance and admonishment never wavers… nor will it until we are all safely in the presence of the Lord in His kingdom. The tears that stain pages of my Bible and flow out into my journal are part of the journey. There are late night conversations… there are moments I have to drop everything to show up in a crisis… I must bear burdens with my own heart broken… all of these experiences come with the exciting privilege to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and see God transform lives. It is rewarding, but it is never easy. Ministry is the most serious business.

Church members should pray for their pastors, elders, and ministry staff daily. Elders should support one another as they alertly build up and protect families and individual believers. This call to alert admonishment is always needed.

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