Monday, October 7, 2024

He does what we cannot.

For your name's sake, O LORD,
pardon my guilt, for it is great.
Psalm 25:11

God forgives because He is forgiving. God pardons guilt because He is God. He does it all for His name’s sake. God is good and that is why He forgives. He removes guilt. He takes care of sin because we cannot. As the prayer in this verse lets us know unequivocally: We bear great guilt for our sin. We need a great Savior!

Unless we think this is just a singular confession in this psalm, look at how David repeatedly deals with his need for pardon from a great God:
  • His youthful sins need to be “remembered not” by a God Who will choose to remember steadfast love and goodness (Psalm 25:7).
  • God instructs sinners (Psalm 25:8).
  • God leads the humble in righteousness if they will come to Him confessionally (Psalm 25:8-9).
And then, after true confession and the assurance of forgiveness from a great God, David knows confidence in God.
  • God instructs him (Psalm 25:12).
  • God keeps him safe generationally (Psalm 25:18).
  • God offers friendship (AMAZING!) (Psalm 25:14) as evidenced by His Word.
  • God is gracious in affliction (Psalm 25:16-18).
So then confession of sin, although a regular need of ours to do, is a blessing. It leads to a knowledge of God, deepening trust in old, and a confidence in the God of our salvation. How much more in the completed work of Christ can we rejoice in a wise, loving, gracious, and forgiving God. And this God is our friend in Christ!

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