Thursday, October 1, 2020

deadly idolatry

As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you...
Jeremiah 44:16

So intent were the surviving Jews (who fled to Egypt during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem) to continue in their idolatry that they boldly refused to listen to God, even speaking these words of defiance directly to the face of Jeremiah, His prophet. They did not just quietly disobey. They boldly and defiantly vowed to continue in their idolatry even as they scattered to hide from judgment in Egypt.

Through His prophet, God made it clear that defiant idol worship would end in Egypt. They would have fared better had they stayed in Judah. Nebuchadnezzar would have spared their lives and let them rebuild homes under Babylonian rule. Instead, the Babylonians marched into Egypt, swords swinging, torches blazing, and there most of these rebel Jews died. They paid the highest price for loving their idols and refusing to hear the Word of the Lord.

What a warning for me to be ultra-sensitive to what idols my heart tends to desire above obedience to God. Idolatry leading to defiance yields destruction. But obedience to hearing God and following His Word brings life. In Jesus, I choose obedience and life! Lord, help me to listen!

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