Thursday, April 23, 2020

Anxiety brings nothing helpful.

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
Matthew 6:27

This question comes from Jesus Himself as part of His Sermon on the Mount. This sermon is the most compelling and convicting message ever preached. I read through it several times through the course of each year and it never fails to move my soul in some way. As a pastor, I have counseled people by encouraging them to go directly to Jesus to learn to live life from this sermon. And it always addresses the soul’s deep needs. It is a source of wisdom, comfort, correction, and direction.

Today the words of Jesus in this question resonate in my heart in the light of the world in lockdown as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. My part of the world is now 30 days into “stay home” orders. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t worried about a thing. I’ve caught myself in worry many times. This worry has not tended so much toward my health as much as I have worried about the long term economic impact with nearly a third of America unemployed right now and economies worldwide in free fall. It is a scary time.

But then Jesus’ question confronts my anxiety boldly. Worry WILL NOT give me anything! It actually just makes things worse. It ruins my mindset. It seizes my heart and directs it away from honest faith. It disrupts my sleep. It complicates my closest relationships. It draws me from truly worshiping and trusting God. It really shows my lack of faith and rebel heart that wants to save itself somehow. When anxiety is in control, it is a sign my heart’s priorities are way out of alignment with the life Jesus wants me to live.

Lord Jesus,
I will trust You. The God Who feeds birds and dresses up flowers will surely take care of me as I trust Him! I will seek first, not my own anxious need blown out of proportion, but instead cultivate a longing for Your kingdom to come and Your will be done even in events I have never known before. You will take care of my world because it is impossible for anxiety to take care of even the smallest portion of anything in my life! 

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