Wednesday, December 4, 2019

worthless pursuit

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Isaiah 55:2

It is easy to get caught in the philosophical trap of chasing worthless pursuits. The appeals from the world, the flesh, and the devil are strong. American culture is particularly emphatic, selling college education, career success, home ownership and the “good life” at every turn while hiding the personal costs of burn out, debt, dissatisfaction, and constant maintenance from view until the longing heart is ensnared in the trap. Things will never satisfy.

Yet God in mercy and grace offers abundant life in Christ to those who apply themselves to hear His call in the gospel. We can have peace in Jesus. We can be content under His provision and care. We can delight in a continual feast of God’s goodness. And there are no hidden fees, pains, enslavement, or decaying depreciations!

Who would not want to live this life once they knew this was the experience? Why would I compare myself to those trapped in the rat race? And why would I not join in this invitation from God to share with others this same compelling offer of abundant life?

Chris Taylor captures the pain of worthless pursuit:


I’ve spent years and years and years…
Chasing the wind out of my very own sails
Time and time again…
I’ve lost the inspiration that got me here

What is worth the life and the living…
The pain of loss- is it worth the giving?
From the moment of our birth…
it’s a worthless pursuit…
of things on the earth

Over and over again…
I’ve worked my fingers all the way to the bone
Possessing the things I don’t need…
I live in a big house but I feel so alone

All that toil and all that grief…
all this gain but still no peace
dust turns into dirt…
the worthless pursuit…
of things on the earth

I’m on my way…
to the end of the world
All along the way…
it’s money that rules…
the kings and fools

I’m on my way…
to the end of the world…
the end of the world!

I had some money for a little while…
Left holes in my pockets and a long paper trail
Everyone’s searching for the meaning of life –
Everyone’s got their own story to tell

All our searching, all our finding…
all our conscience still reminding
We wear it like a shirt…
the worthless pursuit of things on the earth

Still not satisfied… still not satisfied
Still not satisfied… still not satisfied
Still not satisfied… still not satisfied
Still not satisfied… still not satisfied
Are you… are you satisfied?

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